Coal Ministry to develop Pumped Storage Projects (PSPs) on de-coaled mines

More than 20 abandoned coal mines have been identified for evaluation and feasibility study for PSPs, Coal India told the ministry at a review meeting
Text and Image description of a Pumped Storage Project
Text and Image description of a Pumped Storage ProjectIllustration: Black & Veatch

New Delhi: The Ministry of Coal is embarking on a plan to develop Pumped Storage Projects (PSPs) in de-coaled coal mines, leveraging the economic advantages of vast land bank and economic viability. “The aim of the plan is to diversify towards alternative sources of energy. Through PSPs, it is planned to utilise solar energy to develop hydro-electricity, promoting sustainable development in the coal sector. This initiative aims to harness solar energy during the day and generate hydro-electricity at night,” said the Coal Ministry in a statement on Friday.

Text and Image description of a Pumped Storage Project
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Pumped Storage power plants use gravity to generate electricity using water that has previously been pumped from a reservoir in the pit into an upper reservoir at surface. During periods of low demand, the water is pumped into the higher reservoir. When demand is high, the water is released to drive a turbine in a powerhouse and feed electricity into the grid.

Over 200 de-coaled mines with huge land available: Govt

Over 200 de-coaled mines with huge land area are available in coal-producing areas, said the ministry. “Many of these mines are feasible for PSPs as lower reservoir, head of water and land are available,” it added.

Text and Image description of a Pumped Storage Project
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Coal India identifies more than 20 abandoned coal mines for PSPs

In a diversification review meeting chaired by Coal Secretary Amrit Lal Meena, Coal India Limited (CIL) informed that more than 20 abandoned coal mines have been identified for evaluation and feasibility study for pumped storage projects. NLCIL has also taken up a feasibility study on PSP. Further, direction has been given for stakeholder consultation with agencies who may be interested in undertaking such projects and to identify additional sites that can be used for setting up of pumped storage projects.

“Business models, like EPC and PPP, may be finalised in consultation with stakeholders and such projects may implemented in collaboration with various stakeholders, including state governments, private players and research institutions,” said the Coal Ministry.

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